
About Exfopino

Our company is present throughout the entire wood production process, from its responsible exploitation to its final transformation and, sometimes, its installation. By making the most of each tree in a completely clean production process, we contribute to the sustainable management of resources and forestry development.

We are concerned about taking care of our main raw material, wood. That is why we take care of our forests, working every day to guarantee their future sustainability.

In addition, we continually commit to research and development with the creation of new products through its R&D&i department.


Logo CE

The CE Marking, instituted in 1993 with support in Directive 93/68/EEC for the member states of the European Union, ensures compliance with minimum legal and technical requirements for various industrial groups or products. Directive 89/106/EEC on Construction Products, modified by 93/68/EEC, is one of the Directives that imposes the obligation to use the CE Marking on the affected products.

Logo Bureau Veritas

Forest certification is a voluntary validation tool, which is applied through two separate but linked processes: sustainable forest management certification and chain of custody certification. Sustainable forest management certification guarantees that forests are managed in accordance with demanding environmental, social and economic requirements. Chain of custody certification tracks forest products from sustainably managed forests to the final product. Ensures comprehensive traceability control at every step of the supply chain through independent audits ensuring that materials from unsustainable sources are excluded and that social and labor requirements are met


ISO 14001 is part of a series of international standards that refer to the Environmental Management System, applicable to all types of organizations. It is the most widespread environmental management system standard in the world, based on the principles of a management system that includes planning, execution, control and improvement actions. The application of the ISO 14001 standard defines the most important requirements to identify, control and monitor the environmental aspects of any organization that has an environmental policy.

logo IPPC

Integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC), also know as NIMF-15, measuasures that are applied to facilities with high polluting power. This mechanism is based on preventing pollution by acting preferably at the source and seeks to ensure that activities prudently manage resources and reduce waste and emissions to the atmosphere, water and soil as much as possible. The Integrated Environmental Authorization is the resolution of the competent body of the Autonomous Community in which the facility is located, which allows, for the sole purposes of protecting the environment and people's health, to exploit all or part of an installation, under certain conditions intended to guarantee that it complies with the purpose and provisions of the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Law (IPPC).

How do we do it?


First transformation

We operate a sawmill that transforms chestnut trees into boards, beams and pontoons. The material is subjected to the oreo process to adapt to the environmental conditions.
After acclimatization, the wood is dried and stabilized in our warehouse, with a process that lasts approximately 8 months, demonstrating our commitment to quality and optimization of resources.

Producto de madera

Second transformation

We produce a wide range of products for restoration and new construction, including friezes, floorboards, skirting boards, frame covers, doors, trim and beading in various sizes and finishes. Our innovative solid chestnut laminated wood, the result of our research, offers extraordinary resistance and unmatched aesthetic qualities, maximizing chestnut wood. This process is the most extensive and refined in our production.

Casa de madera


We prioritize professionalism and efficiency, we create versatile products that adapt to the client's needs, whether in restoration or new construction projects, from the traditional to the most avant-garde. Our experience in the sector and the quality of our products are fundamental to the success of our commercial management.
Our enthusiastic and professional team has the satisfaction of those who have trusted our work. You choose the place, and we create the environment with chestnut wood.

Medición madera


With the desire to improve ourselves day by day, we have an R&D&I department for the permanent creation and development of new products. As a result of intense research work and to contribute to the sustainable management of natural resources by optimizing the use of raw materials, we have created solid chestnut wood laminate.
With this new product we optimize resources by taking advantage of the tree and creating an item of exquisite quality and performance.